February 28, 2011

Out! Cruel Beast!

What cruel beast lives inside me and makes me do these crazy things? Oofta... I totally need to find a job before I start tearing down walls and buiding crap I can't afford.
Want to know a little secret? The best remedy for cleaning up painted wood floors without sanding or hours of labor??? Fumeless Oven Cleaner...spray on, wait a few minutes, wipe off. It's absolutely RIDICULOUS - I spent 45 minutes to an hour on the top stair. Friend told me to go out and spend $4 on oven cleaner...I did and the last three steps were 20 minutes, tops!
Sadly, the idiot home owners from before me decided that screwing in the wood boards with deck screws was a good idea. These will have to be replaced.
Off to thrift.